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School Readiness for Parents & Children, K-12

I am not an avid reader...more of a scanner for the gist of the material that I am perusing. However, one of my fellow "W" alums, Wanda Prowell, who is a high school educator and published author in metro Atlanta, GA wrote a book titled "School Readiness for Parents and Children K-12". It is a book that you cannot put down if you have school aged children or grandchildren. It has a wealth of information written in terms that are easy to understand and relate to. I have read most of the book and plan to pass it on to my daughter to read. It is worthy to be read. You can locate Wanda's intro by searching for School Readiness for Parents and Children K-12 on YouTube. You won't regret purchasing the book!!

Bureau Director-Deputy /Retired

Port Gibson, Mississippi

School Readiness covers a wide range of information. The book itself is a great tool that points to the many critical issues that schools are faced with today. I really liked Chapter 3, "Homework, and a Family Effort" because parental and family involvement is very important in the academic success of a child. Every child needs that extra push from family even if it’s just listening to the child read, helping with homework or encouraging the child. I hope that this book will get into the hand of many.

Elementary Education Teacher

Starkville, Mississippi

This is a wonderful book! It can be used to help educate parents, caregivers and some educators. I love where it discussed the three types of learning styles. (Visual Learner, Auditory Learner, Kinesthetic /Tactile Learner) All children do not learn the same way nor at the same pace. This is an excellent resource to be used in schools, churches, and homes. I encourage everyone to purchase and read the book. This book provides helpful information and strategies that can be used to help sharpen your child's skills.

Elementary Education School Teacher

Tuscaloosa, Alabama 

I thoroughly enjoyed reading "School Readiness" and feel that it would be beneficial to all parents even educators. "School Readiness" gives you a step by step plan in preparing your child for achievement at school and coping with today's society. Being an educator myself, I'm constantly reminding my students how to prepare for class and college. This book will help provide a solid foundation for success and come strongly recommended.

High School Teacher & Parent

Memphis, TN. City Schools

As an educator, I can relate to the need for such an informative book as School Readiness. It goes back to the notion of it takes a village to raise a child and it provides insight and suggestions for parents and children to be successful academically and behaviorally. I especially like the Let's Think about it at the end of chapters. The book focus on such topics as bullying, character and a curriculum that encompasses vast learning styles. As educators we have to differentiate the curriculum since we have visual, auditory and tactile learners in one room. School Readiness is a good reference guide for teachers, parents and students.


Educator, Metro Atlanta Georgia


School Readiness, K-12 for Parents & Children is a book that is very comprehensive and shares simple basic truths that can ensure one’s success. It is also an excellent source of pertinent and valuable information for parents, grandparents, Christian leaders, etc., to prepare children for school and for life in general. I have read this book in its entirety. I recognized that we, as a people, need to adhere to the knowledge that is laid out in the book to promote the success of our children.

Church Administrator, Grandparent, First Lady

Columbus, Mississippi

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